Problem of lack of sleep

Recently, I haven't been sleeping a lot. The main reason is amount od homework in terms od school, but I also want to have some free time. At the end od a day, I go to sleep at midnight and wake up at 6:00-6:30.
Science says that melatonine (chemical compound that makes us sleep) activate at about 23:00 in people at my age. That Boeing said, I have to sleep right hours when I can't get even seven. This is why I'm ussually sleepy so my thinking is not at it best level in early mornings.
For example, yesterday in School I was sure that I havesweet "lion" and bottle od water. And what? I haven't. I forgot that I left it on my table at home.
My solution for lack od sleep is to make lessons start later, at about 9:30. At that hour, our Braun is much more "stretched".


  1. Go over your spelling! What doe Boeing and Braun (I guess 'being' and 'brain') have to do with sleep patterns? And you probably meant 8 hours not 'right' hours?
    Sloppy writing is irritating and disrespectful.


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