Do we need patriotism?

 Imigration, caused of wars, is serious aspect for europe. Our country have become open for people from many parts of the world. Polish people are divided: some are open for other poeople and some are not. Others don't have opinion. Those who are truly conservative and belive that only clearence of polish society will help us, are fighting for their ideas. What is really problem here is that they are calling theriselves patriots. Organisations such as ONR condemning and insulting imigrants are describing these activities as love for the motherland ignoring why are they here for.
For me, it's sign of ignorance and blindness of people who are guided by hatre to something new. In my opinion, generally patriotism is pointless when there is no war because nowadays being patriot is being fighter. A warrior with huge national colors and emblem on the chest that will spit on a human with no regrets.


  1. If only just spit!
    Being a patriot could mean something very different from marching with torches and chanting racist slogans. It could mean paying taxes, voting in elections, doing charity work, forming local societies, representing your culture abroad, caring about your mothertongue, etc.


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