Crowd psychology

Recently, I was on festival organized by Polish Avation Institute. The admission was free so a lot of people decided to come. I can even say is that amount of people on such big place was huge!
During taking walk and looking at planes and technological doscoveries, me and my dad came to place where one of monumental planes would be launched without rising. At that time, nothing really has happened but we decided to stay for a while. People started to gather so more and more of them was intrested. There was a pilot inside of a plane and he was working on it but the thing was in completly static position. Some people started to film vehicle what was pointless for me. When the plane was finally launched, there was terrible noise and a little moves of plane. I was pretty much dissappointed but crowd still has filmed it like it was some exciting action scene mostly becuse others did the same.
My observation here is that sometimes we do something becouse it's something that many people do. We should some matters of issiues pass through three sieves like Socrates did. It will save us shame but also give us confidence which is connected to having our own opinion.


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