
Wyświetlanie postów z październik, 2018

Music as a drug

We all know that music has a big impact on how we feel. Sad tracks puts us in melancholy mood and happy ones makes us joyful and  more energetic. Here, I want to pay attention to these pleasant ones. Recently I had a meeting with my good friend. We've talked about many things, unfortunetly much more what is going wrong in our lives. We sat down and she decided to play some music. She played track named "September" and involuntarily we started to smile. Good, joyful music brang to ourselves good memories! It created an illusion of better world just like a hard drug. I started to think more hopeful at problems. In my opinion it's important to listen to this kind of music from time to time. These kind of retro or old school hits like "September" are not just part of music of history but they have that particle of positive energy which we sometimes need. 

Do we need patriotism?

 Imigration, caused of wars, is serious aspect for europe. Our country have become open for people from many parts of the world. Polish people are divided: some are open for other poeople and some are not. Others don't have opinion. Those who are truly conservative and belive that only clearence of polish society will help us, are fighting for their ideas. What is really problem here is that they are calling theriselves patriots. Organisations such as ONR condemning and insulting imigrants are describing these activities as love for the motherland ignoring why are they here for. For me, it's sign of ignorance and blindness of people who are guided by hatre to something new. In my opinion, generally patriotism is pointless when there is no war because nowadays being patriot is being fighter. A warrior with huge national colors and emblem on the chest that will spit on a human with no regrets.

Crowd psychology

Recently, I was on festival organized by Polish Avation Institute. The admission was free so a lot of people decided to come. I can even say is that amount of people on such big place was huge! During taking walk and looking at planes and technological doscoveries, me and my dad came to place where one of monumental planes would be launched without rising. At that time, nothing really has happened but we decided to stay for a while. People started to gather so more and more of them was intrested. There was a pilot inside of a plane and he was working on it but the thing was in completly static position. Some people started to film vehicle what was pointless for me. When the plane was finally launched, there was terrible noise and a little moves of plane. I was pretty much dissappointed but crowd still has filmed it like it was some exciting action scene mostly becuse others did the same. My observation here is that sometimes we do something becouse it's something that many people

Problem of lack of sleep

Recently, I haven't been sleeping a lot. The main reason is amount od homework in terms od school, but I also want to have some free time. At the end od a day, I go to sleep at midnight and wake up at 6:00-6:30. Science says that melatonine (chemical compound that makes us sleep) activate at about 23:00 in people at my age. That Boeing said, I have to sleep right hours when I can't get even seven. This is why I'm ussually sleepy so my thinking is not at it best level in early mornings. For example, yesterday in School I was sure that I havesweet "lion" and bottle od water. And what? I haven't. I forgot that I left it on my table at home. My solution for lack od sleep is to make lessons start later, at about 9:30. At that hour, our Braun is much more "stretched".