We only see part of the picture

Recently, I've been spending time with diffrent peole; freiends and whatnot. I got used to hear about their problems and ussually, I share mine. I discovered that it's very easy to leave sober thinking when talking about something that annoys us. We like to colorize things that we don't really know about. What I'm trying to do, when it comes to affairs like that, is I'm trying to look from a distance at things, getting diffrent perspective. I know it's hard sometimes to calm down in uncomfortable situation and consider some things. I noticed it the most in context of relationship. Getting rid of other person we try too look only for what concerns us. Demostrating empathy we can find peace of mind in contrast to closing ourselves in room filled with bad emotions and anger. Solution here is keep one's head and sometimes just let it go.


  1. I'm not certain I understand what you're trying to say here. You write about the importance of being cool-headed, about empathy and getting carried away. The problem is that you don't give any example so it's all about abstract and unreal.


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