How the situation in which we are affects us (reflection)

In last few weeks I've discover how place in which we are or people with whom we are changes our characters somewhat. Sometimes we want to fit in certain situation that we pretty much leave our yesterday's personality a little bit. I have some evidences.
Spending last days of vacation in my house and room I was shy person, not really active in terms of society besides my family or close friends. Not having much to do I was thinking a lot and started worrying about school, future etc. But then school started. Spending my time with classmates and other people prompted me to become more open person who want to be a part in a group. Wanted to be someone more than lazy guy but when I was coming back home I again wanted to be that boring boy. All of a sudden I'm not sick of it. I like to be communicative and stuff but on the other side, my best friends and family know that I don't like to talk too much and I rather to listen than talk about myself.
It showed me that wearing "masks" on the daily is constant part of our lives. Some of them are hard to put on for long time and only closest people can see us without them. We like those masks. We love to be better versions of ourselves.


  1. I understand the mask is what you are at school and your 'boring', quiet self is your true nature.
    Are you saying that we ALL wear masks in different contexts? I don't feel I am a different person at work and at home.


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