
Wyświetlanie postów z wrzesień, 2018

We only see part of the picture

Recently, I've been spending time with diffrent peole; freiends and whatnot. I got used to hear about their problems and ussually, I share mine. I discovered that it's very easy to leave sober thinking when talking about something that annoys us. We like to colorize things that we don't really know about. What I'm trying to do, when it comes to affairs like that, is I'm trying to look from a distance at things, getting diffrent perspective. I know it's hard sometimes to calm down in uncomfortable situation and consider some things. I noticed it the most in context of relationship. Getting rid of other person we try too look only for what concerns us. Demostrating empathy we can find peace of mind in contrast to closing ourselves in room filled with bad emotions and anger. Solution here is keep one's head and sometimes just let it go.

Addiction - my one and only enemy

After beginning of the second class, amount of work needed increased. First class wasn't huge challenge for me according to time devoted to studying in home. Also, I have to admit that I'm not the best student in any way but I'm trying. In this and future year there will be one of my biggest attempt and in culmination - secondary shool certificate. During holidays I had plans that I will study hard and I will have satisfying grades. But there is obstacle: things which are stealing my time during a day. It's like a demon inside me who is taking me on the wrong path. Path of being lazy and vain. For me, biggest deal would be addiction of ciggaretes then of having long naps during a day, which I have now. I think we all have these bad habits or even thoughts inside our heads that we have to fight with. It's important to kill them how fast is it possible so we can achive more, make dreams come true just getting rid of unnecessary barriers around them.

How the situation in which we are affects us (reflection)

In last few weeks I've discover how place in which we are or people with whom we are changes our characters somewhat. Sometimes we want to fit in certain situation that we pretty much leave our yesterday's personality a little bit. I have some evidences. Spending last days of vacation in my house and room I was shy person, not really active in terms of society besides my family or close friends. Not having much to do I was thinking a lot and started worrying about school, future etc. But then school started. Spending my time with classmates and other people prompted me to become more open person who want to be a part in a group. Wanted to be someone more than lazy guy but when I was coming back home I again wanted to be that boring boy. All of a sudden I'm not sick of it. I like to be communicative and stuff but on the other side, my best friends and family know that I don't like to talk too much and I rather to listen than talk about myself. It showed me that wearing