What does it mean to be a real man in the 21st century?

In my opinion, being a real man means being brave and confident at first. I am not talking about aggression or exaltation, but about expressing my personality and not being afraid of what it is really like. Many people assume that a man should be strong and physically fit. It's best that every woman sees a "beast" in it. I believe that this is only a stereotype instilled in us by various sources, for example the media. The most important thing is that a man can think rationally and soberly in every situation. He should keep emotions in check, at the same time being able to express them and not unnecessarily hide them under the stereotypical "mask". He should not be subjected to injustice, but to fight it, even though this fight may turn out to be Sisyphean work. He must fight to the end but also know when to let go.


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