Who/What is to blame for modern epidemics of obiesity?

In my opinion, there are two reasons of obesity in today's world. Nowdays we are threatend to be too fat and it's not really our fault.
First of all, products with high amount of sugar, fat and everything that isn't good for our bodies are much more common than before. That being said, people do not eat products with high fat content becouse of their interperance, but becouse of a large number of such products that cover the market.
My second thought is that we, as humanity, got used to a lot of sugar in food. Thanks to development of civilization, sugar become so avaliable that our bodies began to tolerate mor and more of that. Unfortunately, we do not realize that the consequence of this is an uncontrolled surge of body fat.
Summarizing, development of civilization is to blame of obesity.


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