
Cold showers I've watched this video because I was thinking about doing thing like this by myself. In the video, the man that take part in "challenge", explain positive and negative sides of taking cold shower everyday for 30 days. What I learned the most is that it is not about being good for health (it helps a little) but about doing a thing that we are scared of or makes us uncomfortable. Doing such thing can break our psychological barriers and make us stronger by that. Taking cold showers every morning is painful, but doing that can build up mental strength.

Has The Music Industry Changed For The Worst? The video I've watched was about very controversial topic which is how music industry have changed and is it good or a bad change. I fully agried with the statement that the man delivered. People ussually critisize phenomenon of music produced on computers. He said that it's a thing that happened continuosly in a past. Computer is the new instrument like electric guitar was before. We should avoid hating groundbreaking ideas just becouse they are new and start being more openminded. Nowadays, music producers must have intuition, skills and creativity as it was in past in the era of classic music. to dive in - get to something industry - economic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials and manufacture of goods in factories cohesive - close knit, connected to utilize sth - make practical and effective use of


There was a Man good at playing chess For other people his mind was a mess He lost a competition Then lost his ambition Becouse his worst enemy is a stress

Night cover

Recently, I ve met few old friends. It was not a midnight but sun was already set. We did a lot of crazy things that we wouldn't do at morning. I Discover that when it was dark outside, I was more confident than when sun rised. And it is not my only experience with this conclusion. For me it's strange but at the same moment very fun when we can show our true personality which is not obviously easy sometimes. That's why all parties starte late - in addiction with alkohol and cigarettes people become beasts.

Why are alt-right politicians becoming more and more popular?

We can see that the number of right wingers in the biggest countries is growing very fast. Citzens of for example USA, Brasil or Poland decided to choose tradition, unity of the nation and good of their own country. Why? In my opionion is becouse people like to complain about what's wrong and blame current goverment. The best option then is to change the ruling party. The thing isn't new becouse we can observe, looking in the past, that people used to change a lot. We had alt right ruling party in pretty much whole europe few decades ago. Second war was over and people chose liberty and the same liberty invited imigrants to us. Now people blame them for problems in country like Nazis blamed jews. Not much people have patience in their blood so they look for change and new, better solutions.

Music as a drug

We all know that music has a big impact on how we feel. Sad tracks puts us in melancholy mood and happy ones makes us joyful and  more energetic. Here, I want to pay attention to these pleasant ones. Recently I had a meeting with my good friend. We've talked about many things, unfortunetly much more what is going wrong in our lives. We sat down and she decided to play some music. She played track named "September" and involuntarily we started to smile. Good, joyful music brang to ourselves good memories! It created an illusion of better world just like a hard drug. I started to think more hopeful at problems. In my opinion it's important to listen to this kind of music from time to time. These kind of retro or old school hits like "September" are not just part of music of history but they have that particle of positive energy which we sometimes need. 

Do we need patriotism?

 Imigration, caused of wars, is serious aspect for europe. Our country have become open for people from many parts of the world. Polish people are divided: some are open for other poeople and some are not. Others don't have opinion. Those who are truly conservative and belive that only clearence of polish society will help us, are fighting for their ideas. What is really problem here is that they are calling theriselves patriots. Organisations such as ONR condemning and insulting imigrants are describing these activities as love for the motherland ignoring why are they here for. For me, it's sign of ignorance and blindness of people who are guided by hatre to something new. In my opinion, generally patriotism is pointless when there is no war because nowadays being patriot is being fighter. A warrior with huge national colors and emblem on the chest that will spit on a human with no regrets.