
Wyświetlanie postów z listopad, 2018

Night cover

Recently, I ve met few old friends. It was not a midnight but sun was already set. We did a lot of crazy things that we wouldn't do at morning. I Discover that when it was dark outside, I was more confident than when sun rised. And it is not my only experience with this conclusion. For me it's strange but at the same moment very fun when we can show our true personality which is not obviously easy sometimes. That's why all parties starte late - in addiction with alkohol and cigarettes people become beasts.

Why are alt-right politicians becoming more and more popular?

We can see that the number of right wingers in the biggest countries is growing very fast. Citzens of for example USA, Brasil or Poland decided to choose tradition, unity of the nation and good of their own country. Why? In my opionion is becouse people like to complain about what's wrong and blame current goverment. The best option then is to change the ruling party. The thing isn't new becouse we can observe, looking in the past, that people used to change a lot. We had alt right ruling party in pretty much whole europe few decades ago. Second war was over and people chose liberty and the same liberty invited imigrants to us. Now people blame them for problems in country like Nazis blamed jews. Not much people have patience in their blood so they look for change and new, better solutions.