
Wyświetlanie postów z luty, 2018

Why do people believe in supernatural things if they have science?

In my feeling, situation is not that black and white as in question. Despite the development of technology and science, people haven't became robots whatsoever. For me supernatural thing is God. Huge part of history of humanity is undoubtedly religion. Believing in gods and God is with us for years to this day. Why some people still believe in such thing? Becouse they need something that will give them strength when nobody helps and someone who will listen when nobody listens or maybe we dont't want him to hear. Explanation of every aspect of the functioning of life, as science does, will not provide us with something like this. And whether such faith changes something on the planet? I think not.

Who/What is to blame for modern epidemics of obiesity?

In my opinion, there are two reasons of obesity in today's world. Nowdays we are threatend to be too fat and it's not really our fault. First of all, products with high amount of sugar, fat and everything that isn't good for our bodies are much more common than before. That being said, people do not eat products with high fat content becouse of their interperance, but becouse of a large number of such products that cover the market. My second thought is that we, as humanity, got used to a lot of sugar in food. Thanks to development of civilization, sugar become so avaliable that our bodies began to tolerate mor and more of that. Unfortunately, we do not realize that the consequence of this is an uncontrolled surge of body fat. Summarizing, development of civilization is to blame of obesity.

Should money be spent on space exploration?

The question "Should money be spent on space exploration" I would answear: "Of course, yes!". Why? I'll explain my main three benefits that comes from such activity. If we would have more information of what is happening in space, we can predict bad things that will happen on Earth through the galaxy and prevent it. Second benefit could be exploring new stuff, minerals on other planets. People think that our atoms, roots are the only one. But what if not? If we would explore space enough, after long surveys, we will colonize it and develop our race to the limit. The galaxy would become our world! All in all, it is clear that space exploration is beneficial and worth developing.